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Médico brasileiro é indicado ao “Future 50 de 2023”

Escrito por Flavia Soares
Publicado em 25/09/2023 às 17:01
Médico Brasileiro

Gabriel Liguori é cofundador da TissueLabs e destaca a importância do gerenciamento de projetos para a evolução do setor da saúde

Project Management Institute (PMI) announced the 2023 Future 50  list  , which features 50 rising leaders who are transforming the world and reshaping the future through projects. These 50 individuals represent a new group of project professionals driving transformation across PMI regions and across industries. 

Among the 50 honorees, Brazilian Gabriel Liguori, co-founder of the biotechnology startup TissueLabs, stands out. Recognized and named on the Forbes Under 30 and MIT Innovator Under 35 lists, Gabriel directs his energies towards regenerative medicine, where he creates organs and tissues grown in laboratories. The ultimate goal is to develop artificial organs to address the shortage of organs needed for transplantation, a passion that arose when he faced a heart anomaly in childhood that required a surgical procedure.

Gabriel’s scientific credentials are impressive, with a medical degree and doctorates in thoracic surgery, cardiovascular surgery and cardiovascular regenerative medicine. However, achieving this ambitious goal also requires project management skills and knowledge.

“By harnessing the power of strategic project management, we not only amplify innovation, but also foster ongoing collaboration. This allows a high-caliber team like Gabriel’s to consistently reach milestones and turn the dream of regenerative organs into a achievable reality.”, comments Ricardo Triana, General Director of Project Management Institute (PMI) Latin America.

With technological advances in the global health scenario, accelerated after the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector demonstrated resilience by adopting innovative solutions and Brazil has been gaining ground in this movement, ranking 19th in the ranking of nations by participation in clinical studies initiated in 2021, according to the Interfarma survey. 

According to research by Global Market Insights, the international healthcare market is forecast to exceed US$504.4 billion by 2025 and the country is expected to continue to contribute new solutions and ideas to transform global well-being and boost its evolution in this crucial field.

In today’s world,  global megatrends such as digital disruption, demographic change and the climate crisis are driving the future of business and society. At the same time, the global economy needs  25 million new  project professionals by 2030. The 2023 Future 50 honorees are collectively setting an example and leading problem-solving while creating a better world through projects.

In addition to Gabriel, among those honored in Latin America are: Felipe Lara Leyva (Mexico), Fred Camus Yeomans (Chile), Scarlin Marcelina Gómez Tejada (Dominican Republic), Lëmnec Tiller (Colombia) and Tomás Giovanetti, CEO and Founder of TGA Entertainment , from Argentina, who created a startup that applies games to corporate marketing and social problems and currently leads a huge team with projects in Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico and Spain. 

“PMI remains committed to elevating the voices of project professionals who aim higher, impact society and transform the world,” said Pierre Le Manh, President and CEO of PMI. “This year’s Future 50 list showcases the power of the PMI community and the role the next generation of project professionals plays in creating global change.”  

lista completa do Future 50 de 2023  representa um espectro completo de regiões, indústrias e realizações no mundo do trabalho centrado em projetos, onde as pessoas têm as competências e capacidades necessárias para fazer a diferença e criar mudanças.

Para ler sobre quais paixões e missões impulsionam a próxima geração de talentos, visite: PMI.org/Future50.

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Project Management Institute (PMI) é a organização profissional líder em gerenciamento de projetos e a autoridade para uma comunidade global crescente de milhões de profissionais de projetos e indivíduos que utilizam habilidades de gerenciamento de projetos. Coletivamente, esses profissionais e “agentes de mudança” criam consistentemente melhores resultados para as empresas, a comunidade e a sociedade em todo o mundo. 

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Flavia Soares

Flávia Soares, jornalista, 36 anos

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